Without Pay Unbridled 5Movies Directors John David Ware 144

John David Ware 144 Unbridled






Release year 2017 / Story Based on true to life stories at Equine Assisted Therapy centers including Corral Riding Center in North Carolina, UNBRIDLED tells a tremendous story of redemption and triumph, with a message of unconditional love, with teenage girls overcoming formidable obstacles and living a fulfilling life in spite of adverse circumstances. UNBRIDLED is a story that dives deep in the human heart, and shines a light on the goodness and altruism of authentic people who view life as greater than themselves. UNBRIDLED is Inspiring Heartwarming Captivating Uplifting Refreshing Wholesome Enjoyable Encouraging Touching Delightful Memorable UNBRIDLED is a true to life story that exposes the atrocities of abuse, neglect, and trauma and the healing and redemption experienced by girls and horses who have suffered the same types of abuse. UNBRIDLED showcases how every life matters, no matter how damaged,and that redemption is just around the corner when lives will be made whole again. An emotionally gripping, unforgettable and uplifting story of redemption, healing, and overcoming some of life's greatest obstacles. UNBRIDLED centers around the life of 17-year-old Sarah Miller (Tea McKay) who has a secret: secret shame of being an ongoing victim and prisoner of human sex trafficking by her mother's (Dey Young) boyfriend Roger Donigal (Eric Roberts) until Sarah's future boyfriend Kenny Brachner (David Topp) teams up with Detective Mitchell Sangrin (T.C. Stallings, actor from War Room) on an attempt to foil the underground operation and set the captives (including Sarah) free / Ratings 9 of 10 / USA / directed by John David Ware.



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